What can disqualify you from donating plasma – Plasma donation is a life saving process. What can disqualify you from donating plasma depends on your meeting the eligibility requirements or not. These requirements such as age, weight and general health requirements are important for donor’s safety. One can also be interested to read about online medical school.

what can disqualify you from donating plasma

what can disqualify you from donating plasma

What can disqualify you from donating plasma – A quick view

There are many more considerable factors before determining eligibility like a donor’s medical conditions, medications, recent activities and the date of last donation.  In some cases plasma donation gone wrong with the people having any deficiency.

Plasma donation requirements – Factors affecting Eligibility 

  • Weight and Age: General requirements for plasma donation are similar to other types of blood donations. Donor’s size determines the amount of blood in his body, so a minimum weight of 110 pounds is a must to donate plasma safely. There is also an age limit of 17 to consent to the donation. 
  • General Health: Plasma donors have to undergo a medical examination at their first donation to check any signs of infection, fever, temperature, blood pressure and pulse. Donor’s blood is also tested to check protein levels and red blood cells.
  • Medical Conditions:  Medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma affect your eligibility. Plasma is also tested after each donation to ensure that it is free from any infection. Also, a donor is asked about his lifestyle and travel history to see if there is any possibility of an infection.
  • Medications and Vaccines: Certain medicines such as blood thinners and insulin may disqualify you as a plasma donor. In addition, a recent vaccination is what can disqualify you from donating plasma temporarily.
  • Frequency of Donation: A donor can donate twice per week but not on 2 consecutive days. The American Red Cross allows donation every 28 days up to 13 times in a year. However, some donation centers allow donations more frequently. So, here it was a small discussion on plasma donation requirements.
Plasma donation gone wrong

Plasma donation gone wrong

Plasma donation gone wrong – Disqualified from donating Plasma

Some people are disqualified from donating Plasma because their conditions could endanger them in terms of their current health conditions or affect the future aspects of thier well being. According to the American Red Cross:

  • Being positive for AIDS or hepatitis viruses makes a donor ineligible.
  • Individuals who have had any body part piercing are not allowed to donate for 1 year from the time of piercing. 
  • Being imprisoned also makes a person ineligible as a donor.
  • Physically small people are not qualified as donors as they have lower blood volumes.
  • If a donor has flu, he is not allowed to donate. 
  • Pregnancy and recent childbirth also make a person ineligible as a donor because donation can be medically risky for the mother and baby both.
  • A person with a low iron level is also temporarily prevented from donating plasma. This check is done for the safety of the donor to ensure that their blood iron level remains within the normal range.
  • All types of cancer patients are also ineligible for plasma donation. 
  • If a donor has had malaria, he cannot donate blood for 12 months. This is because the malarial parasite can lay dormant in a person’s system for as long as a year.
  • If a person is on antibiotics, he is not allowed to donate blood. This is because of the illness or infection requiring the antibiotic – it may be transmitted through the blood.

These are certain conditions what can disqualify you from plasma donation. In order to get more information you may visit us at Online schools near me, please fill in the following form.