Masters in information technology salary is based on the different job positions for information technology career. It is bright and rewarding in the US. According to the BLS or Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment opportunities for IT professionals will rise by as much as 13 to 15 percent by 2026. So, if you have a master’s degree in information technology, then you can easily obtain one of the most desirable and well-paying job position with an attractive salary. One may also visit master’s degree for more information that we have provided in that page.
In order to understand how much money you can actually make with a masters degree in information technology, it is imperative that you understand the following factors that could affect your salary.
• Is it a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in information technology?
• The type of IT career that you choose for yourself
• The years of work experience
• Geographic location
Reviewing all these points will give you a better idea about the salary that you could possibly earn with a master’s degree in information technology.
Masters in Information Technology Salary – Basic Idea
Earning a masters degree in information technology is a good move because according to the research, a masters degree could help you to obtain higher salaries over your career course. BLS reports also suggest that an average worker with a bachelor’s degree in information technology can earn as much as $56,000 per annum. Similarly, an average worker with a master’s degree in information technology can earn as much as $68,000 per year. One can also visit information technology online schools for better results.
Further listed are some common occupations that you could choose as your career with a bachelor’s or a masters degree in information technology.
Master’s In Information Technology Jobs
1. Web Developer – A web developer with a bachelor’s degree can earn $61,000 per annum, whereas a candidate with a master’s degree can become a web developer and end up earning about $75,000 per annum.
2. Information Security Analyst – These professionals can earn an annual salary of $85,000 with a bachelor’s degree and as much as $100,000 per annum with a master’s degree.
3. Network Administrators – These professionals can earn around $60,000 per annum with a bachelor’s degree, and around $88.000 per annum with a master’s degree in information technology.
4. Computer System Administrators – These IT professionals can easily earn an annual salary of $70,000 per year with a bachelor’s degree, and as much as $90,000 with a masters in information technology salary is always great. So now as we have discussed on master’s in information technology jobs, keep reading to have more ideas.
Masters Degree In Information Technology Salary
You can also search online about the salary disparity between an IT professional with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in information technology. Below listed are the salaries of IT professionals with a bachelor’s degree in information technology.
• IT support specialist: $43,500
• IT specialist: $63,200
• Systems administrator: $60,200
• Network administrator: $55,500
• Software developer: $60,300
• IT manager: $87,300
• Senior Systems administrator: $89,100
Whereas, with a salary will be on hike, the IT professionals can earn the following salaries.
• Senior Programmer Analyst: $92,300
• Project Manager, IT: $78,800
• Software Engineer: $87,200
• Senior Systems Engineer: $84,800
• Senior QA engineer: $83,600
• Senior Database Administrator: $84,400
• IT Manager: $78,700So, this was all that you need to learn about the masters in information technology salary. Generally, a master’s degree in information technology can offer you a high salary and a higher level of job responsibilities. In order to learn more, you can reach to us at Online Schools Near Me by filling out your details in the form provided below.