Harvard Divinity School was Founded in 1816.The origins of Harvard Divinity School can be traced as far back as the genesis of American history. The institute is always on the lookout for challenges it must conquer to remain relevant. One of the college’s biggest goals is to further religious studies and enable students to navigate in a world mired in complications over differences in faith. We have provided in depth analysis about all the available high school as well.

A school of religious studies based within one of the world’s foremost research universities, Harvard Divinity School courses try to equip students with valuable resources. Their aim is to produce scholars who can confront contemporary religious conflicts and productively shape the lives over future generations through their contribution to society. Those who are interest in computer science may check the details for accelerated computer science degree online.

The Harvard Divinity School is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and all the major degree programs conducted by the institute have earned the necessary approval. Those students who wants full accredited courses for their ease & comfort, please visit fully accredited online colleges.

Having said that, we are here to discuss the relevance of religious education in today’s world. As well as how much attending Harvard Divinity School costs? It also makes sense to throw light on Harvard Divinity School reviews to help applicants make an informed choice. For more queries related to Harvard Divinity School ,you may check Harvard Divinity School

Harvard Divinity School
Harvard Divinity School

Harvard Divinity School -History & Origin

The beginnings of the Harvard Divinity School lie as far back as 1636 when an initial contribution of £400 from the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony helped set up Harvard College. The founders wished to further theological learning in anticipation of a world which would need leaders capable of navigating towards peace through religious differences. To know about the history related to Harvard Divinity School, please visit Harvard Divinity School Profile

Because of this vision, the Harvard Divinity School courses continue to hold a place of prominence even as the varsity has grown to the massive proportions it has assumed now. The first graduate program in religious studies was organized in 1811. Meanwhile, the Harvard Divinity School – the first of its kind, nonsectarian seat of theological studies in the USA – was set up in 1816.

Today, over two centuries later, the school continues to be an intellectual home for scholars who aim to learn and teach the intricacies of religions in order to build a peaceful world. One of the bigger goals of the institute is to nurture minds that are attentive to human diversity in terms of race, religion, creed, caste, gender, etc. You may also visit how many credits to graduate high school, those who are interested.

Harvard Divinity School Courses
Harvard Divinity School Courses

Harvard Divinity School Courses- Degrees offered

The list of Harvard Divinity School courses includes four primary degree programs offered by the institute besides collaborative dual degree programs and several other non-degree programs.  The institute also lets scholars conduct research in a multitude of areas besides teaching many special courses and conducting field training activities. You may also check the details for Harvard divinity school admissions 

We will first look at the four major courses and discuss Harvard Divinity School costs and financial aid options, before moving on to the other programs. There is also facility of pursuing masters course in less time, you may visit 12 months masters program online.

1) Master of Divinity (MDiv)

This is a three-year full time program aimed at those who wish to become part of the clergy, assume responsibilities as faith leaders in communities, work as chaplains, etc. The course also provides a solid foundation to those who wish to pursue advanced theological studies. Some key features of this Harvard Divinity School course are as follows – 

  • It has a class size of about 150 students 
  • They have to submit a thesis in their third year 
  • There is no prior graduate study requirement for admission
  • Students must successfully complete 24 courses. However, they do not need to choose any particular area of focus.
  • They have to compulsorily take 3 courses in a language relevant to their coursework
  • They also have to complete two compulsory field unit courses and a senior seminar 
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2) Master of Theological Studies (MTS)

This two-year full-time degree program at Harvard Divinity School allows students to explore the various nuances of theological studies in depth. It lets them delve into the practices, nuances, thought processes, cultures, etc of all major world religions, thus promoting critical thinking and analytical skills. The key features of the course are listed as follows –

  • The class size at present is limited to about 175 students
  • There is no prior graduate study requirement for admission
  • Students must successfully complete 16 courses, 6 of which need to be in their chosen area of focus, selected from among 18 available options
  • They must demonstrate intermediate level competency in a language that is relevant to their area of learning through necessary coursework or by taking an appropriate test
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3) Master of Theology (ThM)

This one-year course allows theology scholars to pursue further studies in the field and broaden their learning beyond the framework of a three-year program. It is also a good fit for those looking to take a break from the ministry and advance their own learning and understanding of faith. The key course requirements are as follows –

  • The highly advanced program is open to only 3 students per year
  • Applicants must have a MDiv from Harvard Divinity School or an equivalent degree
  • Students must successfully complete 8 courses, 4 of which need to be in their chosen area of focus, selected from among 18 available options
  • They must also demonstrate competency in a relevant language through coursework or examination. It is however recommended that they have prior knowledge of the language
  • They also need to successfully clear an oral examination towards earning their degree. Those students who are looking for online masters course in education, please visit online masters degrees in education

4) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Depending on the student’s engagement level, a doctoral program can take anywhere between five to seven years to complete. The key components of the intensive doctoral program which dates back to 1934 are listed as under –

  • The program intake is limited to about 65 students every year
  • The admission process is highly competitive and only 5-6% of applicants make the cut
  • An undergraduate degree or its equivalent with an outstanding track record is a prerequisite to applying
  • While it is not necessary to hold a Master’s degree, an applicant without one being selected to the program is a rare occurrence
  • Applicants also must have an IELTS score of 7.5 or an iBT TOEFL score of 105
  • They must also submit three letters of recommendation, a 5000 word writing sample and a statement of purpose
  • Besides, applicants are expected to be proficient in the language relevant to their area of interest in order to be able to conduct research work. Those who are interested in nursing in us ,they may visit best nursing schools in the usa

5) Dual Degrees

Those enrolled in the MDiv or MTS programs at Harvard Divinity School also have the option of earning dual degrees from other institutions under Harvard University. Students have earlier earned concurrent degrees from Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, or even Tufts University Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy. Some key points in this regard include –

  • Applicants planning on pursuing dual degrees must submit their applications both schools concurrently or apply to the second school within the first year at  Harvard Divinity School
  • It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Harvard Registrar’s Office of their second application acceptance status
  • It is also the student’s responsibility to coordinate with the respective academic adviser and faculty member to design their individual degree program plan. Those who have plan for similar master course in information technology sector, please visit information technology masters online
Harvard Divinity School Cost
Harvard Divinity School Cost

Harvard Divinity School Cost – Tuition and Fees

The tuition fees for the various programs and living expenses are the key Harvard Divinity School costs incurred by students. While most of the programs have the scope of applying for need-based financial aid, it is best to do a thorough planning before applying to and enrolling for any of the courses. Look out for harvard divinity school cost for who are interested for further Admissions. Here is a breakdown on the expected expenses at the institute for the 2020-2021 academic session –

MTS, MDiv and ThM programs

  • Tuition fee – $30,472 
  • Activities fee – $70
  • University health services fee – $1,240
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield – $3,922

The total tuition and fees amount to $35,704 for one academic year, and increases by some percentage every year for courses that run for multiple sessions.

Doctoral Program

The academic expenses incurred as part of the doctoral program vary from student to student depending on their course structure, field work requirements and other factors. The tuition fees for the program are always decided on a case by case basis following detailed discussions with the applicants for every year of study. The candidates who are interested in doctoral program, may visit online doctoral programs in education without dissertation

However, they do have to pay a few fixed costs, which are as follows –

  • Active file fee – $300 per semester
  • Activities fee – $70
  • University health services fee – $1,240
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield – $3,922

Living costs

Applicants must also account for the standard living expenses as one of the major components of the Harvard Divinity School costs and budget accordingly. While actual expenses are determined by individual lifestyles, the University has a standard annual projection it uses for granting financial aid. You may also visit Harvard divinity school acceptance rate for their queries.

The approximations are based on a moderately balanced lifestyle in the neighboring Cambridge area, and assume that applicants are sharing living space in a two bedroom unit. Married students and those with family or dependants should budget for a higher living expense.

  • Housing costs – $13,973
  • Food – $4,802
  • Books and supplies – $1,000
  • Personal expenses – $5,024

This brings the cumulative annual living cost for the current academic session to $24,799. This figure has to be added to the tuition and fees to determine the annual cost of education at Harvard Divinity School. 

Financial Aid

All applicants to the MDiv and MTS programs at Harvard Divinity School are eligible for merit-based and need-based financial aid. While the prospective do not need to submit a separate application to be considered for merit-based grants, the Admissions Office recommends that they fill up the institute’s financial aid paperwork irrespective of the requirement for need-based aid. Anyone who is looking for free college, please visit free online college degree

US citizens and permanent residents also need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to receive need-based federal grants. International students are eligible for funding only from the university. Applicants must keep an eye on deadlines announced on the university website and submit all their paperwork accordingly.

Selected students will receive either need-based aid or merit-based aid from the university and not be awarded funds from both pools.

No financial aid is provided by the University for the one-year Th.M. Program, thus making federal aid or loans the only option for US citizens and permanent residents. International students are not eligible for any financial aid for this particular program. You may visit 6 month masters degree online for less time utilization in bachelors degree

Harvard Divinity School Online – Special Programs

Harvard University and the Divinity School believe in making education accessible for all, not only in traditionally structured formats but also by making forays into new areas, through research, discussion and application. Harvard Divinity School also possess special programs such as special education masters program online

Keeping in line with this philosophy, the Harvard School of Divinity offers several courses and programs which let students explore their interests and broaden their minds without the restrictions imposed by structured learning. You may also check for Harvard Divinity School Graduate Programs Niche. Some of the more dynamic programs are as under –

  1. Buddhist Ministry Initiative: A part of an eight-year pilot project, this initiative – a first of its kind within a theological institute under a research university – trains those interested in Buddhist religious traditions in a way suited for current times.
  2. Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Scholars: This program provides students from Asian countries a platform to pursue an education on Buddhist ministry.
  3. Ministers in the Vicinity: Meant for faith leaders like rabbis, priests, pastors, etc who are engaged full-time in ministry work and wish to take courses for audit or credit.
  4. Resident Fellows: Provides an opportunity to religious missionaries and executives who wish to take sabbaticals from their responsibilities and pursue further education while living on campus
  5. Auditing: Anyone is welcome to observe and audit a class at Harvard Divinity School. All they need is to inform the Administrative Office of their interest.
  6. Religious Studies and Education Certificate 
  7. Continuing and Executive Education: This program offers a selection of carefully curated seminars and online sessions that explore questions pertinent to contemporary religious scenarios. It is meant primarily for religious scholars and professors of theology. 
  8. Field Education: All courses at Harvard Divinity School maintain a proper balance between theoretical and practical aspects. Most have a Field Education component where students go out in the world to apply what they have learnt and return with the need to introspect and reflect.
  9. Special Student Program: Meant for those who already hold a bachelor’s degree but wish to take courses in theology to earn credits that can be utilized for a further degree in future.
  10. Language Program: An eight-week intensive language course conducted over the summer for students who hold a Bachelor’s degree and plan to pursue further studies. You may also visit online secondary education degree

Besides these, the institute also runs several other non-degree and special programs from time to time. It is best to refer to the University website to check the availability of such courses. Many professors also offer standalone courses, sometimes even at different schools under the larger Harvard University umbrella. You may also check the details for Harvard divinity school notable alumni for further information.

Several pilot projects and experimental programs are also conducted at this theological institute to further the understanding of religious practices and human faith. For events related programs ,you may also visit Harvard Divinity School Event Actions. Some of the more notable and popular courses conducted in recent times by the institute include –

  1. Courses at Center for the Study of World Religions: 
  2. Religious Literacy Project
  3. Religious Studies and Education Certificate
  4. Women’s Studies in Religion Program
  5. Pluralism Project
  6. Religious Literacy Project
  7. Program for the Evolution of Spirituality

Application Process

Every year, the Admission Committee of the University aims to compile a class that is a diverse mix of interests, expertise, backgrounds, intellect and preparation. There are no set selection criteria for choosing successful applicants. Students come from a variety of cultural, religious, financial and social backgrounds thus making for a well-balanced classroom. To know more about admissions, please visit HDS Admissions Student Blog

While the admission process is highly competitive, the Admissions Committee pays thorough attention to every applicant’s file. They carefully review each prospective student and handpick those who based on their records and goals are a good fit for the institute and its resources. The diversity of the graduating classes is a fact mentioned in all Harvard Divinity School reviews. You may also check Harvard Divinity School Company Profile

Application cycles for the MDiv, MTS and ThM programs that commence in the fall are generally opened in late summer or early fall. Prospective students must keep an eye on the university’s website for the exact dates and deadlines.

Those wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in religion need to get in touch directly with the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. You may also check the list of regionally accredited online colleges for their convenience.


All institutes of higher education leave their mark in the publications they produce You may also check Harvard Divinity School on JSTOR. Harvard Divinity School is no different and its publications adhere to a high academic benchmark. The list includes, but is not limited to – 

  1. Harvard Divinity Bulletin: It aims to provide a balanced view of religious practices and their importance in the modern world and is in demand both within and beyond the institute. It has over 10,000 subscribers including students, staff, faculty, alumni and members of the general public.
  2. Harvard Theological Review: First published in 1908, this quarterly journal is the oldest of its kind in the United States.
  3. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion: Though not published directly by the Harvard Divinity School, this bi-annual journal was co-founded and continues to be edited by the institute’s faculty. It is the oldest feminist academic journal in religious studies.

Besides these scholarly publications, there are other journals and magazines brought out by students that also hold their ground in terms of standard and content. To know about publications related queries ,please visit The Future of Harvard Divinity School

Community life

Harvard Divinity School prides itself on the diversity and vibrancy of its community life and considers its people its greatest asset. The courses and all activities at the institute are designed so as to promote interpersonal interaction and meaningful communication both within and outside the classroom. For online classes ,you may also visit benefits of online education

One of the highlights of the social life at the college is the weekly Community Tea held mostly on Tuesdays. The gathering allows students, faculty members and non-teaching staff to interact and bond in an informal setting over food and beverages.

Additionally, informal lunches, study sessions, ice cream socials, meditation sessions and sharing of spiritual practices provide opportunities for continued learning beyond the classroom. As all Harvard Divinity School reviews will point out, studying at the institute is an intense and immersive experience and community life is an integral part of it.

Religious life

The Office of the Chaplain and Religious and Spiritual Life plays a key role in helping students balance their religious and intellectual lives and also assists the institute live up to its promise of religious inclusiveness and plurality. For those wants their solutions related queries about Harvard Divinity School Veritas Forum , you may check for further assistance

A defining characteristic of the spiritual life at the institute are the Wednesday Noon Services that are hosted by a different faith group each week. This allows the entire community to experience the beauty of a different religious practice every week, and provides a platform for everyone to pray in unison transcending all differences.

There also are several on campus support groups that students can reach out to besides experienced faculty members who are always at hand to provide spiritual care and guidance. Professors are ever ready to guide students utilizing resources within and beyond the University, a fact corroborated by all Harvard Divinity School reviews.

Employment opportunities and higher education option
Employment opportunities and higher education option
Employment opportunities and higher education option

The institute’s Office of Career Services is dedicated to serving as the bridge between students, alumni and prospective employers. They work with current students looking to find jobs or former ones looking to move ahead in their career and help them identify employment avenues. They help students navigate the job search process and offer services like personalized career counseling, assist with writing resumes and cover letters, conduct online seminars, etc.

Thanks to their efforts, HDS students are found in a variety of fields which require theological expertise. They also arrange for prospective hires to interact with the student pool and find ideal candidates.

So if you have made up your mind about studying at Harvard Divinity School, it is a great decision for HDS is a truly unique seat of learning. Budget your expenses, make a plan and keep an eye on the institute’s website for the application cycle. For any queries you might have, reach out to us and we’ll help you through! If you still have doubts, contact us for further assistance. Also visit us at Online Schools Near Me