There often comes a time in a student’s life where the world around them stops, and it’s just them underneath an imaginary spotlight wondering. What will I become in the future? Better yet, what will my future hold?

A good thing about this moment is that it shows how serious you are about your career path and how you want to live your life. On the contrary, most students believe that their whole lives are planned out before graduation. While that could be true, it isn’t an ideal way to proceed because, as students, our desires and goals usually change over time.

But with all that in consideration, nothing can beat the fact that the career you choose will tremendously impact your overall well-being and life. Of course, parents and teachers can play a significant role in helping students decide how they want to spend their adulthood. But in the end, it is always the student who needs to determine whether they wish to form a local rock band or become a doctor.

So at this point, what is the best way to approach the “career planning process?” For starters, the best way is to learn about yourself. Secondly, it is a viable option to follow a series of steps that could lead to a possible, happy decision. Below, we’ve enlisted all the ways and tips students can figure out their calling:

Consider the Requirement of “Education”

Education is, without a doubt, the most crucial aspect of deciding on a career.

So, think: What kind of education is required for your desired career? Students need to give particular thought to their college majors after high school. That may imply taking the appropriate courses in high school; for example, many colleges will expect specific science or math courses for applications to particular faculties. If you are considering the job of a CA, understand that most employers prefer candidates with a master’s degree. So if this is your case, rest assured because you can effortlessly apply for a master’s degree online these days. The benefit of studying online is that even if you get to score the job of an accountant with a bachelor’s degree, you can continue your education.

So, the lesson here is quite simple: Understand the educational requirements of the career you want to pursue.

Get a Career Counselor Involved

In the pursuit of finding a career, you can also consult with a career counselor. There’s no shame in it. Counselors assist students in preparing for college, employment, and other endeavors.

This preparation entails preparing for college admissions testing, applying for scholarships, and pursuing your desired career path. The counselor you choose will inquire about your interests, conditions, or rewards you wish to achieve in the future. Furthermore, you can also take an aptitude or personality test to determine a career – it does work.

Highlight Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Make a list of your five most vital and weakest points. What types of employers are likely to be interested in your skills? If you’re an excellent public speaker, for example, look into what kinds of jobs require that skill. Your flaws can also reveal a great deal about where you might go.

You can either avoid careers that require skills you are unsure of or strive to fix weaknesses that prevent you from attaining your goals.

What Do You Love?

What classes have you found to be particularly uplifting? What activities keep you so engrossed that you don’t even notice the passage of time? Making a list of ten things you enjoy can help you discover new paths. While you list them out, see if you can create links between the items on your list. Or see if they are a collection of things related to social activities, technology, arts, or anything else in particular.

Just aim to find something that piques your interests and enables you to delve deeper.

Go to Your Mentors

Ask yourself: Who do you admire? Who has provided you with helpful food for thought over the past years? Note: This part also involves making a list. So, list down the people who have been there for you and rank them in order of preference.

Then, set aside some time to talk to these people.

Most people want to help students who are eager to learn and improve. Many will be honored to be regarded as role models. Students have nothing to lose by approaching such individuals for assistance but everything to gain.

Know Your Financial and Income Preferences

It can be incredibly challenging for students to envision the reality of financial income, but this is an essential question for those mature enough to think about it.

So is financial stability a critical aspect for you? Are you content with a more independent lifestyle?

Answering these questions will help students determine the training or studies required to achieve the desired income level. Furthermore, understanding your family beliefs and habits regarding savings and income can also prove to be helpful.

Seek Internship Opportunities

Internships are an excellent way to attain hands-on experience in your desired field. Keep in mind that your internship must be relevant to your career goals to be beneficial. For instance, if you wish to become a veterinarian, working at an animal shelter or kennel to learn proper animal care and handling may be advantageous.

Internships are available in various settings, from small businesses to large corporations. You can inquire with your classmates, academic advisors, and family about any opportunities that might be of interest to you. You can also contact alumni from your college to learn more about internships that you can pursue to begin your entry-level career.


Hopefully, with these tips, students can determine their career paths effectively. Just remember this word of caution: choosing the right career path isn’t enough. Making the career work for you is the real deal. Many of us believe that the tricky part is over once we’ve landed our dream job, but that is not true. Becoming successful takes continuous learning. It is also essential to know that many adults work in different roles before finding something that suits their skill set. When and if you come across such a situation, do not give up. Know yourself, and soon, you will find something that gets your blood gushing.